Hey guys... Here is WW#1! yayyy!!!!!!! [enter applause here]

Luh-ve ya!
Katmiss & Peeta-The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins. If you haven't already go read this book. It's fricken incredible. Go now, because there's spoilers in this paragraph...... You read it? Good. Anyway, aren't they so cute?! Especially when their both injured. Total aww moments! (No, seriously. I was reading this book in the library and I went "Awww!" a couple times. Out loud. oops.) And now they've been through so much together... But of course there's the problem of Gale. (don don DONNNNNN!!!) What do you think? Katmiss and Peeta, or Katmiss and Gale? (no spoilers, I haven't read Catching Fire yet.)
Buzz & Jessie- Toy Story 2 and 3, Pixar. OMG! I luhhhvveee these movies!!! :) And these two make such a good pair. Their personalities really bounce off each other. I originally thought Woody and Jessie should have been a pair, but they're way too similar. I mean, (spoiler alert!!!!!) even when Lotso' gets him, he still thinks Jessie is beautiful. ( Yes, this actually happens. While in 'guard mode', he says, "Even your beautiful feminine looks won't get you out." Or something like that.) SPANISH MODE!!! ;D
Mia & Micheal- The Princess Diaries series, Meg Cabot. Best. Chick-Lit. Book. Series. EVARRRRRR!!! LOL ^_^ It's not totally chick lit, but whatever. IDGAC. These two are so friggin' cute!!!! And in the last book: OMG!!! They TOTALLY do it at the end. I know, it didn't say that, but sorry Meg, it's pretty obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Mia, I'm sorry but you are totally dense. In an adorable way, yes. But I'm still always a step ahead of her.
I'll post more couples over time. :)
Luh-ve yah!