Sunday, July 25, 2010

Love- Top Couples of All Time (according to me, at least!)

I love when an author/director/playwright/life gets 2 people who are perfect for each other together, don't you? Here are my favorites.

Hero & Claudio-Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare. This is one of my favorite plays ever! It remindes me so much of my life: who's dating who, who's NOT dating who, who's moving: the usual middle school stuff. And these two are so cute! :) :) :)

Aria & T.R.H.T.W.N.I.F. (the really hot teacher whose name I forget)-Pretty Little Liars, ABC Family. I am so addicted to this show. OMG I got soooo freaked out at the end of the Homecoming dance episode. I'm behind a week so don't you DARE!!! tell me what happens. I know that he is her teacher and all, but awwwwwh!!!!! They are so cute, eating one of the three things he can cook. :) If he hadn't been her teacher, they would have been up higher.

Mr. & Mrs. R.-real life couple (names not shown for privacy) These are 2 people who teach English at my school. They are married and are perfect for each other!!! I had Mrs. R. last year, and the only thing she talked about more than him was their son. They make such a cute couple! I love these guys!!! :D :D :D

Katmiss & Peeta-The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins. If you haven't already go read this book. It's fricken incredible. Go now, because there's spoilers in this paragraph...... You read it? Good. Anyway, aren't they so cute?! Especially when their both injured. Total aww moments! (No, seriously. I was reading this book in the library and I went "Awww!" a couple times. Out loud. oops.) And now they've been through so much together... But of course there's the problem of Gale. (don don DONNNNNN!!!) What do you think? Katmiss and Peeta, or Katmiss and Gale? (no spoilers, I haven't read Catching Fire yet.)

Buzz & Jessie- Toy Story 2 and 3, Pixar. OMG! I luhhhvveee these movies!!! :) And these two make such a good pair. Their personalities really bounce off each other. I originally thought Woody and Jessie should have been a pair, but they're way too similar. I mean, (spoiler alert!!!!!) even when Lotso' gets him, he still thinks Jessie is beautiful. ( Yes, this actually happens. While in 'guard mode', he says, "Even your beautiful feminine looks won't get you out." Or something like that.) SPANISH MODE!!! ;D

Mia & Micheal- The Princess Diaries series, Meg Cabot. Best. Chick-Lit. Book. Series. EVARRRRRR!!! LOL ^_^ It's not totally chick lit, but whatever. IDGAC. These two are so friggin' cute!!!! And in the last book: OMG!!! They TOTALLY do it at the end. I know, it didn't say that, but sorry Meg, it's pretty obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Mia, I'm sorry but you are totally dense. In an adorable way, yes. But I'm still always a step ahead of her.

I'll post more couples over time. :)

Luh-ve yah!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fashion- Purple Eyeshadow

I have just discovered the beauty of purple eyeshadow.

It looks fabulous on everyone. Light skin, dark skin, brunettes, blondes... everyone except some red heads. Most can't pull it off.

Some shades look best on different people. A shimmery purple is best for people like me- fair skined blondes. A shade closer to plum, would look better on a darker skinned person. Some are in between. Don't be afraid to experiment! Although, if you do, experiment with an honest friend with good fashion sense. A second opinion is ALWAYS important.

Luh-ve yah!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Music- Showchoir, and how it's not Glee AT ALL

Many people have heard of showchoir before. Many that have heard of it think they know everything about it from Glee. Boy, are they wrong.

Yes, Glee may be the easiest example of showchoir. But let me tell you how it's NOT showchoir.

#1: choirs have a bit more than 12 people.

#2: A choir NEVER sings through an entire song the day they get it. It's pretty much impossible to. We get through... oh say... 5 measures, maybe? 10, if it's easy. (For you nonmusical people: thats 20-40 seconds of singing.)

#3: The choreography? A bit harder. Think: more arm movements. Plus, choreographers.

#4: Choir directors have music credientials. (No offense, Mr. Shue!)

#5: Entire songs aren't solos. Mostly, it's the whole choir singing together.

#6: The costumes have more sparkles. I'm dead serious. Did you know that the number one high school choir in America, In Sync of BHS, has a Bedazzler? As in a person. No lie.

But it is like my choir experience, in some ways, like.....

#1: The P.E. teachers hate choir. Why? Nobody really knows...

#2: Competition is important. It's the only way to prove ourselves to the band kids.

#3: There is plenty of drama. Drama with drama dressing with a side of drama.

#4: There is favoritism. In Glee, it's Finn and Rachel. They sing too much.

But hey, it's a good show. Can't wait for next season!
Luh-ve yah!

oh, and btw:
in sync>powerhouse!!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Peace- hippie vans

So apparently, I will never be getting a hippie van, according to my father.


Supossedly, they have no airbags (ok, that's believeable), and because of their flat front, there's little to protect you in an accident. Okay, so that also makes sense. But come on! A hippie without a hippie van is like The Beatles without George Harrison. It'll work, but it's just not right!

Bye, dream car.......
Luh-ve yah!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fashion- date wearage

I am pretty qualified in fashion, I believe. But this has got me stumped:

What do you wear on a date?

My style is flirty/sophisticated, with a hint of surfer chic. I mostly shop at Forever 21, Abercrombie, Macy's, Gap for basics, and a little bit of Urban Outfitters. I want to look flirty, but not pushing it. I have long blonde hair and blue-gray eyes, with fair skin and tons of freckles.

It's just fro-yo, yeah. But I really like this guy, and I'm no so experienced with this stuff. So any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Luh-ve yah!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

quick update, other sites, and post themes... and curling irons

So, I have decided that each post (not including this one or the previous one) will be themed either peace, love, music, or fashion. Pretty bomb, eh?

I am so craving cupcakes right now.....

Anywhoo, you can stalk me on Twitter! Or, subscribe to me on YouTube! (note: on these sites, I'm under the name Susie, another name I like. I don't like my real name. It's ugly and very un-me.)

And I am angry at my curling iron! It doesn't curl my hair! In fact, I use it as a straightener!!! :P

That's all for now. PLMF!
Luh-ve yah!