Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hi, my name is Sheena, I'm a punk rocker, and if you got that joke I'll love you forever. ;)

I'm going into 8th grade, and me and my besties thought, how the heck are we gonna get through it??? Our solution: a blog. We each make one, we each write, we each make it through.


A little about me:
My name isn't actually Sheena. But it's a pretty bomb name, eh? I live in SoCal, which is pretty rockin'. I'm a smart blondie, and I love cooking. I'm a writer, plays and novellas, and I'm working on 5 projects at once. Multi-tasking runs in the family.

About the name:
Peace- I'm pretty much the hippiest person that didn't live in the 70's. Flower power!
Love- Kinda have these things called hormones...
Music- Music is my battery. I love singing, and doing musical theatre. My taste is kind of strange: Beatles, Ramones, Wolfmother, ACDC, Glee, Lady Gaga, Carrie Underwood, Demi Lavato. I love it.
Fashion- I'm a total fashionista. My style is surfer chic/flirty/sophisticated. I give all my friends advice. (not just fashion: I'm practically a certified therapist.)

I have no idea what will go up on here. I do know that it will be... an adventure.
Luh-ve yah!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so ridiculously old, but I hafta tell you . . . LOVE the Ramones reference there, "Sheena" . . . so happy to see that someone of your frighteningly young age can come up with said reference . . . I'm your first follower so do I get a crown or a sash or some bling like that?

    Oh, BTW. Did you see I responded to your post on my blog about the FreeKibble link?
